Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Being vegan can be incredibly difficult during the holidays, particularly if you have unsympathetic family and/or friends. It doesn’t have to be this way! We have tremendous power to shape our happiness and that of those around us.
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
How to Lose Weight on a Vegan Diet
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Everyone wants to lose weight, and eating plant based/vegan is not only effective, it is healthy. Nina Shantel (certified in Fitness Nutrition) will share not only how to eat this way, but how to share the benefits with those who may not know about eating whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Learn how to avoid the frustration and dangers of yo-yo dieting, fads, and quick fixes and learn how to focus on the healthy way to feed your body.
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Nina will be sharing her recipe: Baked Apples with Banana Cream Sauce She will be discussing how to get others to try vegan holiday treats.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Plant Based Recipe for a Thanksgiving Meal With Nina Shantel
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Lets make your thanks giving special with Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups (plant-based, SOS free, no dates) Ingredients: • 2 ripe large bananas • 2 teaspoons alcohol free vanilla extract • 2 T peanut butter (salt & oil-free) • 2 tablespoons + 2 tsp cocoa powder • toasted coconut flakes, unsweetened, sulfur-free Main Recipe - Directions: Peel and break bananas into 1-inch pieces and blend in a small food processor until it resembles vanilla pudding. Add vanilla extract, peanut butter, and cocoa powder to the food processor, mixing for about 1-minute; the mixture should now look like melted chocolate. Add 3 toasted whole peanuts to each mold. Pour chocolate filling into silicon candy molds. It makes about 20 mini vegan chocolate peanut butter cups. Sprinkle with coconut flakes. It takes 3-5 hours to freeze through. Here is the link to the silicone candy molds Nina used: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CN4BMT6?... Nina Shantel, Certified Fitness Trainer, Strength & Fitness Coach http://www.thehighfivediet.com Thanks for Watching.....Please Like, Share and Subscribe.....
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
How to Effectively Communicate the Benefits of a Plant Based Lifestyle with Loved Ones
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Has your life been transformed by the power of a plant-based diet? If so, you are part of a growing movement of people who have experienced the personal and collective benefits of eating compassionately and sustainably. Yet, you’ve likely experienced pushback when you talk to others about the benefits. It’s likely you are frustrated when others put up excuses to avoid making the switch. Or… you wonder why your friends, family and co-workers cannot seem to move past the old ways that could be leading them to disease and suffering. Catch Peter Goldstein and Kathleen Gage Live for a session on -How to have conversations about going plant-based and become a successful plant-based ambassador.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Compassionate Leadership, Inspiring Healthy Lifestyle Changes
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Are you someone committed to inspiring others as only a true leader can? Are you committed to the mission of those who have compassion for the animals and a drive to be healthy while raising awareness about climate healing? If YES! this Audio is for you.
Monday Feb 27, 2023
World Food Healer’s Day
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
We are excited to welcome Alison Hamje and Rebecca Allen of Climate and Food Healers! Alison began living in intentional residential community 64 years ago, and this single thread is woven through and through, whether in New Brunswick, Guatemala, Peru, Chicago, raising foster children in Florida, with the Quakers in New York, or now as co-founder of WisdomHaus, a residential and intentional vegan service model of co-homing. She is an avid urban edible landscaper. Rebecca “BJ” Allen, a Central Texas resident, is a Certified Climate Healer, and supporter of the Rancher Advocacy Program. She is also Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition and founder of Immune Boosters, who provides veggies weekly to various non-profits.Think of the joy of your people sharing a vegan meal with all those around the world!
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
We are excited to welcome Dr. Leigh Ettinger! Dr. Ettinger will be speaking about chimpanzees, yawning, and the thorns of a rose as they relate to the struggles we have being plant-based at the omnivore's holiday table. In these clues there may be solutions for you to try in this upcoming season and year round. Dr. Ettinger has been a pediatric kidney specialist since 2004. He first learned about the whole foods, plant-based diet diet in 2014. Changes in his own eating yielded great results! He earned the eCornell Certificate in Plant-based Nutrition in 2016. In 2017 he joined the staff of his hospital’s pediatric weight management program. In May 2019, he became a Diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine. In 2021 he founded the Doctor Herbivore telemedicine practice, which accepts practice members living in NY and NJ ages 2-21 with obesity for a 12-week plant-based weight management program. Also offered is a 4-week program to evaluate and fine-tune the nutrition of vegan/vegetarian children and an eCourse for plant-based families.
We are a community of humans and consumers of plant-based food choices who have experienced a myriad of health benefits, be it physical, cognitive, and/or emotional well-being and advocating for others to experience the same. We are on a mission to share our work, our successes and our lessons with others through education and experiences to help achieve powerful change — for the health of humans, animals, and our planet.Having witnessed the significant benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, we are growing a community of Ambassadors who are eager to share this vital information with family, friends, and colleagues. As Ambassadors and part of the weDIDit.Health community, we are committed to the shared purpose of spreading awareness and inspiring others toward curiosity and small steps to adopt a whole food, plant-based diet, and lifestyle that has the potential to powerfully change the world.